Tuesday 11 January 2011

Renal clinic

Not much different but I'll update you anyway.

Lee and I had kidneys scanned and ours are fine. Took quite a while to do an ultrasound of Ellie. Her kidneys are big, grown quite a lot but her lungs look appropriate size and well developed. They can never tell but on guesstimation, lungs shouldn't be a big issue. Here's hoping, praying, touching wood, etc. Her abdominal circumference I'd guess is about 90th centile, definitely close to 95th. Head is at 50th and so is weight, an estimated four pounds and two ounces. Professor Robson is totally the opposite of Dr Sturgiss, just a dynamic whirlwind but really nice. Dr Lambert, renal consultant, also explained Ellie's case is severe which we knew due to the no fluid scenario but we have read a few stories where the kids have done well despite immediate surgery and dialysis. The problems are technicalities such as catheter blockages or failure, infection, etc. Half to two thirds of babies survive dialysis and things. We will be in hospital for a long time, maybe a year so good job it's close. We will meet with the NICU team next time and see the NICU, and our next appointment is in a month.

So, all in all, no change apart from bigger kidneys which we were expecting to happen. I feel really low, not like they've knocked me to the ground but half way there at least. This isn't how I saw my life going.

Swine flu jab tomorrow which is a worry as well but as I've said, the benefits outweigh the risks and they did say there have been some very poorly pregnant women and new mums who didn't have it.

We went out for dinner after our appointment, was really nice. Just want to curl up and cry now.

1 comment:

  1. I've been checking for updates all afternoon (at work! Good job my boss is in another office...). Good news about the lungs.
    I don't suppose anyone really expects their lives to go in this kind of direction, but you've been so strong so far. Maybe nature knows how to pick the ones who can cope? I'm pretty sure I couldn't. You have no idea how much I admire you.

    B xx
