Tuesday 4 January 2011


This blog is about the most productive thing I've done recently. I got in the bath today, fully intending to play some piano, do some open uni work and tidy the computer room then dried my hair and fell asleep! Well done Naomi. It's not too late I suppose at 5pm.

I discovered something really weird (and funny) in the bath. If you half recline as if you were doing a sit-up, you can totally see where the baby is. I think she was getting annoyed at me waking her up for my own entertainment haha. No wonder she was beating me up this morning.

The awful conversation of funerals (just in case) half happened today. Not planning it, but just costs and things. It's awful, I feel like I'm passing her off already but I'm not, just trying to cover all our bases. Hopefully, we won't need to talk about it again. It came up mainly because we don't know what to do with our health in pregnancy grant so I'm just going to put it away as we don't want to buy baby stuff right now and it is for the baby after all.

Just a quick request-if anyone is reading this, we'd love it if you could just leave a quick comment. We aren't asking you to be followers or anything, it's just so we know who is visiting and keeping up with our bambi.

Adios for now


My friend, Lindsey, (Stephen's journey in links) is in labour so please everybody pray for her and her family. She is updating so I will be following her and hoping for good news.

Also, another ARPKD mum got in touch via babyandbump. Very weird, I had been giving advice on an 'enlarged kidney' post and she had seen my post mentioning ARPKD, remembered our low fluid scenario and got in touch. Apparently it is a big thing in her family.

Oh and I even played some piano (and sold my DS. £60 in the Ipad fund, oh yeah!). I am learning 'Lizzie on top of the world' by Dario Marianelli from Pride and Prejudice (Ke-Kni version, not Colin Firth one). It will take me forever as Lee is also making me help him learn the guitar!


  1. hi hun, i know im not really a helpful source of support but im reading, its very moving and you have a lovely way of writing, it really gives an insight into what your really going through instead of imagining how hard it must be if you get me x

  2. Thanks, Gem, guessing at Gem Smith? If so, any more info on that boy with PKD on the renal ward would be great. You said his mum had no amniotic fluid either, was his the recessive kind or dominant pkd do you know? x

  3. Ah right, good to see you then. Glad things are going well with you and Libby and Dan x

  4. I am here...following my wee niece. You do have a lovely way writing things. Makes me feel a little closer though I am so far away. Love you guys x

  5. I am here now... thank you for giving me the link! I probably won't comment much.. as you said yourself, those who haven't gone through it have no idea - but I will definitely be reading as often as I can.

    It's Bev by the way. When I comment on blogspot with my WordPress account it puts the comment as being from my blog name instead of my username. Odd.
