Wednesday 19 January 2011

Getting fatter by the day!

Today has been alright, but I think I've calmed down a bit since renal clinic. I still get snappy and agitated easily but I guess it's all the not knowing. 

Had a GP appointment today with Dr Shiell, as she has heard nothing from the RVI, only knew about the whole kidney malarkey because my mother in law had had an appointment and mentioned it when the doc asked how we were so they are chasing up the info. She said I was looking really well and seemed to be coping amazingly. I said other women have been through this so I can do it and we have so much hope, even from fetal med doctors, so while we know she could die, we can't focus on it too much.

Ellie would not move yesterday, I jiggled her, fed her pop and chocolate lol, played Elton John's 'crocodile rock' in there. Nothing. Until about 4pm when I was getting ready to call the maternity assessment unit, of course then it was party time! Nothing like the threat of a CTG check to make her rock out!

My bump looks really big. Just been out for dinner so some is bound to be bloating but I have been sore today so some stretching is going on, plus the stretch marks starting give it away. I don't really care, I lasted ages without them but they will fade eventually. Plus I'm going to be covered up for a while til I can exercise to de-fat, which won't be until at least 6 weeks after the section, if not more.

Here's a picture of the ultimate Gonzo/MC hammer style pyjama bottoms that I have to have for my hospital stay lol. Not that loud really haha. At least the hospital will save on lighting!

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