Sunday 22 May 2011

Sore thumb

This is what happens when you don't hold your pen properly and make chem notes all day! Just been looking at past papers of unit 1....fairly do-able! Pretty sure if I'm making notes and not concentrating but still picking things up, I can get at least a B. This module is only foundation Chem so one would hope. Takes ages to do my notes because with Science, I need to write them for all the superscript numbers, diagrams, formulas, etc. At least for Psycho, I can type them! The chapter I am onto at the moment is all formulas and stuff which I quite like. What a nerd but that is a good thing!

I haven't been as tired as usual today either, maybe because I haven't been sat in front of the computer like normal. Much easier to focus on a book!

I really wish I had my baby and no time to study :(

1 comment:

  1. I remember writing so many notes during the evil research methods I endured at uni and as a result of being left handed, could not change gear when driving, cos I'd totally pulled muscles in my wrist! Not good. I wish Ellie was keeping you busy instead of Chem too xxx
