Sunday 13 February 2011

Ellie's first week

Ellie was a week old last night at 10.24pm. All I could think about was the monday afternoon, holding her hand and stroking her hair, knowing that in 10 minutes we would be move on (I struggle with the d word). Lee and I had a good cry in bed last night. Of course we know we did what we had to for our bambi but it still stabs us repeatedly in the heart, every minute of every day.

Last night I sent a message to Alan Robson on night owls and within 2 minutes, he was reading it so our twitter and justgiving website got publicity, as well as Ellie's story! Not only that, my friend Jenna got Phillip from the apprentice to retweet our page! Talk about publicity so far! My little girl is amazing! Update: other people with influence are retweeting Ellie and we are upto £848!

Lee's brother, Martin and his partner, Ciji are her from the states. It was really weird meeting them for the first time but they are cool. We are missing you too though Bonny!

My boobs are still killer. Less so, but itchy from the stretching as well. The c section wound is barely there and I don't even need the painkillers, only been taking them for 3 days now because of the boob situation.

Have to write my eulogy today and tomorrow. Not looking forward to that at all.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention Naomi! It is so hard not being able to be there with you and Lee. Thinking of you though! Xxxxx
