Friday, 3 August 2012

Tell me again how babies get out?

All I can say is do not watch 'One Born Every Minute' style programs when you are going to be giving birth soon. It's not good. Barely recovered! I love me some epidural!

32 weeks in 2 days and it is ticking over very fast! I have another scan on Thursday so I'm hoping Theo is still peachy perfect in there. I, on the other hand, can barely put my socks on!

I turned 25 on the 1st. I didn't do much, we went for a meal at night but I did get spoilt from family and friends which was nice. I'm much more of a Christmas person as it is for everyone, plus it's more exciting with a Theo-zilla on the way. I'm so excited planning all the places to take him and things to do!

The closer birth gets, the harder I am finding things, I must admit. It is making me remember things a lot more (I try not to think hospital thoughts too much, despite always talking about Ellie but its unavoidable) and I am feeling under pressure counting movements and things, given that it was an issue with Ellie and we never got past 35 weeks. I miss her so much and the thought that anything could happen to Theo is unbearable. The sooner he is here safe, the better!

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