Monday 18 June 2012

Glossing the nest

Last week, we had all the flat glossed (there is a tiny bit of emulsioning left to be done but all in all, the flat is virtually fully decorated). It was the singlemost stressful week this year for sure. For one thing, we got a friend of Lee's in who doesn't drive so I had to do all the picking up and dropping off. He doesn't bring lunch, and thus, I was providing food, not to mention all my juice was gone at the end of the week, and he has got paint all over the carpets, which Lee has had to get out with turpentine. It took Lee hours to clean the kitchen. What a joke.

Anyway, it's done now and we have all our new bedroom furniture. The nursery/bedroom is starting to look amazing, and although Theo's wall stickers and bed in a bag aren't here yet, I made up the cot with his sheet, mobile, a crocheted blanket and his soft toys. So unbelievably sweet. I'm hoping to not have to do any baby shopping post 30 weeks.

My 4D scan is less than 2 weeks away and my next hospital scan is 12 days after that so we are seeing a lot of Theo soon. He is getting big and active and it's really lush. It's amazing the difference this time in instinct too, for example, I am nesting like crazy and hate breaks in my loose routine.

I get sad lots that it couldn't be like this last time and I still feel guilty for being so excited for Theo when I couldn't be for Ellie. Having him healthy and safe to date makes me realise the pregnancy I didn't have last time but I am just not taking him for granted when he is such a special present from my Ellie-phant.

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