It's been a while since I wrote. So much has been going on, it's hard to find the time.
We made it through Ellie's 2nd birthday and angelversary without TOO much suffering. It was so much easier with Theo here. Each day I take a step towards being a little bit more 'me', as much as I can be having lost Ellie. It will never be fixed but it is easier now. I often don't have time to think is more the case.
Theo is 6 months this week. Already! He is such a little character, so funny and he is very, very cheeky! He is more intelligent by the day but also incredibly loving, always dishing out the kissies. For the first time on mother's day, he held his arms out for me to pick him up :) He is still little in terms of weight and general size but he is long. His love of his feet knows no bounds right now, he can get them in his mouth and he finds sneezing hilarious! We go to a few baby groups and I have a bit of a social life going on.
Between mothering and being a wife, I'm managing to cram in my degree and my 3 instruments. How, I'm not quite sure. It's tiring to say the least. Sometimes being so busy antagonises the anxiety by running me down, other times it helps I think. Things are a bit uneven now because we moved house not so long ago and I felt really secure in my flat before, but I'm starting to get used to the new house slowly.
Onwards and upwards :)