Thursday, 20 October 2011

Take the bad with the good..bye bye angel baby

A special baby left today. A baby of my friend no less, someone I grew up with, who I have known since I was tiny. How can this happen to two of us in the same year? It's not right, it's not fair. I want to take their pain away but I can't and I want to say it gets easier, which in some ways it does but also doesn't. The pain never goes away, you just learn how to ignore it for a while.

The friend in question is now a trustee of 4Ellie-phant. I hope it gives her the same peace it gives to me. We have one hospital on board, a meeting tomorrow and a meeting in November, both for local places (well, one isn't so local but Cleveland is still North-east). The hospital we are supplying is in London so off I go to London in January! I'm also trying to cram in the fundraisers to build up our bank account but today, I might take it easy. Feeling sad.

Fly high, little baby, and say hi to Ellie x

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Exciting news keeps coming

Given that it's 1am, I should be asleep but been busy working on demo boxes for 4Ellie-Phant to take to 4Louis tomorrow. I really hope they like them, I've worked really hard!

I have a meeting next week with a potential recipient for our boxes which is mega exciting. We have a few events coming up and also, the evening Chronicle is going to do a story on us. It's all too exciting! Another hospital would like to see one of our boxes so we have a lot of potential going for us already. Our website is now up and running at so please take a look and write in our guestbook.

In other news my honeymoon was great but more on that tomorrow. I am knackered!